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Sep 19, 2021 6:29 AM

Nov 2011
Yikes, this was almost an eerie episode finale with the Bocchan meeting his mother. That meeting ended up being a lot of more tense than I had expected.

However, I'm also glad to see Bocchan speak up for himself. About time. Alice's presence in his life definitely changed him from the meek person he once. Heh, they still managed to add in a little teasing moment between Alice and Bocchan to the very end.

Sequel announced
Sep 19, 2021 6:29 AM

Jul 2017
The day has come: Bocchan and Alice make their way to the main estate from his mother Gerbera's summons.

It's tension all around because Bocchan is seeing his mother for the very first time in a long while (10 years in fact), without Alice's help because it's a family affair. On the other side, it's such a stark contrast with Alice's return to the main estate, the maids bringing up memories of her mother Sharon, which spooked Gerbera. But still, Bocchan fared it safe for now, and almost got a kiss from Alice there for the first night xD

Reminiscing the place where Bocchan got cursed from a young age (that soft breasted feel infodump was funny though) with Viola, but Gerbera still remains stern, cold and aloof, even on the dining table to ascertain his position and Walter's if Bocchan could not get rid of the curse in time by springtime.

But trying to diss Alice in the face of the family's situation? Bocchan will not take word at his mother's insult of her, that he truly loves Alice. Even to the point of rebellion of marriage, that's the final call. And over a game of poker back home, the re-affirmation of that love stays true. Kyaaahhh~~~

Atta boy, may your wish be granted one day. Pretty good show!

And yes, it's getting a sequel!
KANLen09Sep 19, 2021 7:28 AM
Sep 19, 2021 6:36 AM

Apr 2018
Aaaah that was definitely great with that meeting and of course it's not gonna be joyful etc but it's the point where it becomes more and more interesting for the plot (that kinda start there) they should really continue because it will get better and better, that was surprisingly great to be honest, for both the way they use the full CGI animation and even the usage of music which is top-notch, this adaptation is probably even better than the original manga I would say
Sep 19, 2021 6:58 AM

Jun 2019
Despite the complaints of animation people were doing, I loved this show wholeheartedly. Very wholesome and adorable story from the very beginning to the end. This had some dark elements to it but overall, a really fun experience. As for the episode, Bocchan met his mother in this episode and that meeting didn't go very well. I love the fact that Bocchan has changed so much because of Alice in his life. Really proud of him. And, I'm really gonna miss Alice teasing Bocchan for sure.

Ah yes... a sequel has been announced. Nice. Can't wait to see more of Bocchan and Alice. :3
Sep 19, 2021 7:11 AM

Jul 2020
What a doozie of an episode! Started off kinda flirty as usual, but the ending was brilliant and the outburst was perfect for the situation! Their mother also seems to recognise her tough love attitude and that smile at the end realising how much bochan has grown was nice
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Sep 19, 2021 7:16 AM

Nov 2011
This episode was actually a masterpiece in my opinion. It was so well written. I am a sucker for little details an anime puts into it and the little details in this episode were amazing. Just the sweat on the Maid and Butlers face when Bocchan was walking by them, the immense shaking of the bowl of soup because of how close the maid was to Bocchan, the symbolysm of the King, Queen, and the Joker...fuck man just everything about this episode was so good.

Even learning more about how and when Bocchan was cursed. Like the Witch had Black Nail Polish as does Alice and Alice's mother. However se see Alice's mother in a Casket when the Leader of the Witches was talking. I still think Alice's mother had something to do with the curse but the Leader of the Witches seems the most SUS at this time.

Truly a fucking Wonderful anime. I have it a 10/10 on MAL. But on a personal ranking it is a solid 9/10. and I rarely give anime anything over a 9.
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Sep 19, 2021 7:41 AM

Nov 2016
Wow, great season finale and overall surprisingly a show that managed to stand out in this rather dire summer. Made it easily into my top 5 and I'm already looking forward to the continuation.

Thanks J.C. Staff, you keep delivering on the rom-coms.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Sep 19, 2021 7:45 AM

Apr 2018
It's time for them to go to the main house. And of course, it wasn't for a happy talk but a serious one. The build up was pretty good, it made me chuckle and leave off a wholesome feeling before Bocchan's wonderful speech. It was such a lovely anime despite using full CGI. I managed to enjoy it a lot. The dynamic betweeen Alice and Bocchan was perfect. Way too lovely and funny. The OP and ED were good, the OP is one of my favorites from this season for sure.

Can't wait for the sequel.


“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Sep 19, 2021 7:47 AM

Nov 2013
Yes, a powerful ending! I liked the confrontation with mom. Glad she liked how confident Duke has become! xD
Sep 19, 2021 7:49 AM
Nov 2019
Interesting how some shows can have pretty good animation and still be garbage and some can be really good with just CGI.
Sequel announced lets goo
Sep 19, 2021 7:52 AM
Aug 2018
It was a great first season. All the characters are cute (even bocchan). At first, I wasn't sure about Viola but she turned out great.
I'm left with a question : Did the witch "punish" bocchan because he "disrespected" the tomb ?
Looking forward for the second season. Deadline for breaking the curse has been set. Hopefully we will spend more time with witches.

Sep 19, 2021 8:00 AM
Dec 2017
One of the best OP of the season - great idea (with both main VAs singing) and execution, really shows how Alice and Bocchan are into each other.
Romantic and comedy sides was good too, never felt like any of the episodes was dragging on forever.
Don't care about CG as long as it's well executed and blended. Nice painting-styled backgrounds. Totally deserved second season/or whatever they are doing.
Sep 19, 2021 8:04 AM

May 2021
loved every second
Sep 19, 2021 8:09 AM
Ooga Booga

Jul 2020
Was a good end for a first season, i doubt that there will be a second one but i hope for it.

smoochie smoochie[/center]
Sep 19, 2021 8:23 AM

Sep 2017
This show is dumb as hell and pretty low budget, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't grow on me. That was a wholesome af finale. I didn't have super high expectations for this episode but that definitely was a satisfying conclusion to the first season. I'm a fan and will def be watching the next season.
Sep 19, 2021 8:35 AM

Dec 2010
Average story with hideous CG. I'll watch the sequel, but not looking forward to it very much.
Sep 19, 2021 9:19 AM

Jun 2017
Solid finale, this!

A bit of the usual tease before the tense reunion, and that certainly lived up to expectations. Bocchan didn't hold back at all during that outburst there. Honestly, the transition to that felt a little too sharp for me but good points were made so I'll give him credit for that.

A new side of the mother revealed briefly. It's nice to see that she does care for Bocchan after all but that hardly justifies her actions at this point. I'm curious to know more about her relationship with Sharon-san though.

Bocchan remembering the feeling of the chest during the curse procedure, lmao. That's some memory right there!

"Let's go back to OUR house." - Now, that's a good one, Bocchan.

Those final few moments of the episode was a great sight, can't wait to see more of this!

All in all, this has been a pretty fun watch! A few redundant episodes and whatnot but it was good nonetheless. Caph and Zain were interesting additions too, I'm definitely interested to see how things will progress on that note as well.

Also, the ED theme. Great stuff!

Solid 7/10 from me.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Sep 19, 2021 9:49 AM

Nov 2019
It's very questionable of Mr. Stark 700 having positive reception of this show.
Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone. Helpppppp!

Sep 19, 2021 10:09 AM
Jul 2021
I am soo sad this is over 😭. PLEASE can we get a S2. At least we can watch the Dub now if we choose.
Sep 19, 2021 10:09 AM

Dec 2013
A really nice enjoyable and relaxing show, pleasantly surprised it got a sequel and it is a nice breath of fresh air a female character like Alice being so proactive, looking forward to season 2.
Sep 19, 2021 10:15 AM

May 2021
Ehh this episode had its moments but honestly this whole thing is pretty much forgettable. The animation was just boring to watch

Sep 19, 2021 10:45 AM

Jan 2012
Ah, I see they decided to reenact the dinner scene from Batman 89 in this finale. Well not much to say about this one. As a romance I actually thought it was very good. The Duke and Alice's feelings towards each other were great comfort food during this season. Plus it's pretty nearly impossible for me to dislike a series where the female lead showing off her big, beautiful tits to the male lead is a running gag that seemingly happens at least once every episode. The big handicap, as I said during the first episode and no doubt everyone else has commented on, was the 3d cg character models. And yeah, they're still not great, this series still would have been better without them and received a higher score from me without them, but honestly over time I did get used to them. I'm also not really surprised we're getting a season 2. This series looked pretty damn cheap to begin with afterall. I'm not surprised, but you know what? I am pleased. Because honestly I want to see the Duke and Alice's romance continue. I want to eventually be able to see them kiss, and maybe even get married if we're going that far. They deserve it. Solid 6/10, woulda been a 7 without the cg models. Hell, maybe it still is on another day.
Sep 19, 2021 11:07 AM

Jan 2020
I wasn't expecting to like the series as much as I did but I'm glad I do.

The emotions in Bocchan's speech to his mother was quite large and I really appreciate the voice acting

a nice conclusion for a very good season

Sep 19, 2021 11:53 AM

Jul 2011
Was a good series to watch.

At least the duke had a good final memory before the curse, not that counter balance, but is something.

With all plot laid down and with this episode giving the time limit would be a shame if didn't had the sequel announced.
Sep 19, 2021 12:05 PM

Jun 2017
Great finisher for the season. Can't wait for S2. This was totally one of the underdogs of this season. I really didn't expect anything when going in because the CG made me cautious but got surprised each episode, the character progression is so well written.
Sep 19, 2021 12:06 PM

Oct 2020
Man, that was one hell of a heartfelt speech from Bocchan about his love for Alice. Surprisingly, Bocchan's mother received it quite well. I wasn't the fondest of the CG at first but, it really grew on me. A really cute and wholesome show overall. I really wouldn't mind a second season.
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Sep 19, 2021 1:02 PM

Feb 2019
Yea this was an absolutely amazing finale. I couldn’t help but tear up at the duke actually talking back to his mom and setting his own course. Obviously we respect our parents, but sometimes they really are just wrong and it can be hard to stand up to them. Mad respect for that.

I just want he and Alice to have a nice happy life together.

Was not expecting to like a CG anime this much. I’ll have to check out the manga now.
Sep 19, 2021 1:05 PM
Jan 2021
seeing boochans past and him growing from the person he was is amazing, alice really did save his life. seeing him standing up to his a-hole mother was amazing too.

just saw that there is gonna be a sequel LETS BLOODY GOOOO!!
Sep 19, 2021 1:08 PM

Dec 2020
Ending was beautiful. I really liked how Bocchan defended Alice.
Sep 19, 2021 1:13 PM
Jul 2021
Seriously LOVED this episode and actually re-watched the whole thing and watched the table scene and the ending scene a few times. I LOVE that he stood up to his mom and how she smiled afterwards (is she really that bad? And why did she change SO much after Sharon died? Like yeah her friend died but what else is there to it, or was it more about what happened to the Duke?). Alice's smile at the final scene of the season was amazing and I was so happy that he expressed his feelings to her and told her he'd give her his love now and ALWAYS. This series BETTER have a good ending where they end up together and make more mini Alices(sooo cute) and Dukes. I am so hooked on finding out why he was cursed(WHY would you curse an innocent child?), why Sharon is with the Witch, I really hope Sharon isn't a witch and she cursed the Duke because of something his father(or grandfather did like spurning her for his wife or something! She seems like such an amazing character. Maybe Sharon's witch friend saw she was sad she couldn't be with him and that's why she punished his kid? But punish the FATHER if that was the case not the adorable Duke JR). I am super excited we are getting more seasons as I thought the Animation putting people off would have resulted in this being a one off and you have to read the books for the answers. Sucks that the answers aren't released yet so this is another situation like Re:Zero where I'm dying to find out what's really going on but its years away probably)
Sep 19, 2021 1:53 PM

May 2019
Any manga readers who know where EP 12 ended in the manga? I'm really interested about the story thank.
Sep 19, 2021 1:57 PM

Jan 2014
The second half of this series really stepped it up a notch. I stood by my review after the first 4 eps, all because of what was going on, but thankfully, it got better and better honestly. Introducing many elements to the story, and not letting the characters be one trick ponies. Decent overall.
Sep 19, 2021 2:15 PM

May 2018
Does anybody notices that the colors of the character's wardrobe, art and style of the illustration have some Voodoo symbiology most particular were the witches attire and those earring that Alice's wear and there is that Top Hat that the MC wore as well?

There is also the matter of Alice's mom who is in the possession of Daelth, could it be that she was the witch who put a curse on the MC?

So, does anybody around here thinks that Alice maybe the key to revoking Bocchan's curse and it is possible that she can touch him and not die from Bocchan's curse????
Sep 19, 2021 2:18 PM

Mar 2021
That was the best episode and an outstanding finale for the first season 😍 I was so emotional from the scene where Bocchan stood up to his mother and told her about his love for Alice. I admire his resolve and determination to marry Alice regardless of standing and pedigree. I also felt his despair not receiving the care and comfort from his mother. Even if it's the job of a mother, Alice took care of Bocchan and has always been there for him. He proved all of that to his mother. It is safe to say that after that scene, Viola, Walter and even his mother were proud of Bocchan. The emotions of that scene coming from him were so strong that it made me cry 😢 Then the ED played while Alice and Bocchan were about to go home, which made me cry even more 😭 Lastly, Bocchan's vow of his love for Alice in the last scene was the icing on the cake 😍

For me, it's the best romance anime this season and probably one of the best all-time. The love story of Alice and Bocchan is unique, it makes you want to watch some more. I'm glad there's a second season 😍
RavaresSep 19, 2021 5:27 PM
Sep 19, 2021 3:08 PM

Feb 2020
A very cute ending. I find it nice that they aren't also entirely painting Bocchan's mom as an evil person, like a typical aristocrat parent.

Pretty good anime, perhaps one of the only casts I actually got attached to this season. Well done CG by J.C, which I can tell is a step-up from their previous CG work. Good inserts in some parts of the anime too. Hoping the sequel can resolve the curse, or just extend their daily lives. Whichever is best.
Sep 19, 2021 3:41 PM
Jul 2018
Bocchan declares himself to Alicia and these two are finally together, Bocchan's curse is still on him but he's got some traces to resolve this, and I'm glad he's announced a sequel.
Sep 19, 2021 5:34 PM

Jun 2021
Great final episode.

This show just continues to deliver with solid animation, (another lovely outfit for Viola), great VA work (the Bocchan speech was beautiful) and great music/BGM.

In a season filled with so many mediocre shows, I was very happy that this show existed. Can't wait for future episodes

Sep 19, 2021 6:00 PM
Aug 2018
this anime exceeded my expectations, I dare to give a 9/10 because I really like this show
Sep 19, 2021 6:31 PM

Aug 2018
I loved the episode. The Duke telling his mother he wants to be with Alice, NICE.
Very good episode. I loved the anime.
All that remains is to wait
Sep 19, 2021 7:14 PM
Jul 2021
MonkeeDan said:
Was a good end for a first season, i doubt that there will be a second one but i hope for it.

Already confirmed!
Sep 19, 2021 7:15 PM
Ooga Booga

Jul 2020
DKDiabloLicht said:
MonkeeDan said:
Was a good end for a first season, i doubt that there will be a second one but i hope for it.

Already confirmed!
yea just saw, pretty nice to see

smoochie smoochie[/center]
Sep 19, 2021 7:16 PM

Oct 2008
MonkeeDan said:
Was a good end for a first season, i doubt that there will be a second one but i hope for it.

Second season announced in the end of the ep xD

Anyway... Awesome series! Who thought that bland CGI and a simple story of old ages, with witches and curses and true love and iada iada iada, could make an awesome anime? Thank goodness for the S2.

Oh btw... It's the end of the year and his mother is giving him until spring to break a curse that is hunting him for 10 years?? Kinda sus, don't you think?
It was kinda strange that the only thing that the boy did remind of the witch that cursed him was her boobs. Kinda funny, ngl xD
r_justoSep 19, 2021 7:19 PM
For the ones that like to bother others (like me) with "you should read the manga/LN", please stop. I don't read mangas, I will NOT read mangas, I will not listen to what manga readers complain in adaptation to the anime counterpart, I only watch anime except in very few and specific situations.
Sep 19, 2021 10:00 PM

Feb 2020
First of all, like i said one week ago, this series really need a second season. Then with the latest announcement. Congratulations, you deserve that cause the story really hook me up with all of the mystery related to Bocchan curse.

Not to mention how his mother actually hold some mystery around the last confront. Her character consistently harsh, and straight to the point. But she got a good memories with Sharon, and actually deal some hidden meaning for Bocchan in the future. She may honestly seek a real growth of her older child. Because as the future heir, Bocchan may really need all of that kind of bravery. So, yeah, either if its relate much to the curse or not, really intriguing to see how its wrap up for the next. Can Bocchan marry Alice and break the curse? Solid goal and should've been a long way to go.

Scoring for this one kinda hard at the beginning. I may thinking about giving a bad-to-average rate due to unbeliavable 3dcg use of this. However, as time goes by, i can get use of it while the story and the plotting suck me much into it. Not to mention how the characters are so lovable, especially with the side one like the duo witch couple. And the soundtrack too. All of it actually pretty solid already. So, in short, this is a grounded 8/10 for now, and really looking forward to see the next season.

See you there.
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Sep 19, 2021 10:10 PM

Jul 2014
The Duke's outburst towards his mother was great and the mother's reaction after it was surprisingly nice, I liked it. Also, it seems that she was very close friends with Sharon and they even had a similar personality huh, kind of weird to imagine her like that but it makes the mystery even more intriguing. Of course the only thing the Duke remembers about the witch are her breasts lol.

And so it ends. Aside from the mystery surrounding the series, the romance part is some of the best I've seen. Really fresh how both of them are so open with their feelings.

Having watched Hi Score Girl I was already familiar with the animation so it didn't pose a problem for me but I can understand how it might have been for others, even I would have preferred a more traditional animation. That said, the CGI allowed the show to always look good and even allowed for some creativity with the body and facial expressions which was nice.

Alice best girl of the season! She is so great, her VA did a fantastic job, both voicing her and singing the OP. Really lovely voice.

Season 2 announced let's fucking go!!!!!!!!!!!
Sep 19, 2021 10:11 PM

Jul 2016
Quite the irony indeed. Despite basically living in exile, Bocchan has more freedom than his siblings could ever wish for.

Fantastic season finale. Bocchan became the ultimate chad by proclaiming out loud his love for Alice in front of the bitch of his mother and the last scene with Alice saying "I love you" couldn't have been more wholesome.

Pretty good show overall. Quite a surprise for me if I'm honest. First few episodes didn't impress me all that much but the second half of the series sure improved my enjoyment quite a bit. Especially once Bocchan and Alice's relationship stopped being about pure teasing and became more heartfelt and genuine.

7/10 - Looking forward to Season 2!
Sep 19, 2021 11:21 PM

Dec 2020
it ended.. GAHHH IT ENDED *BANGS HEAD ON TABLE* didnt really like this at first, since the "girl teases shy guy" trope wasn't rly my thing but this show definitely grew on me. ill miss it so so much even the 3d animation

great ending, couldn't have ended it any better hope it gets a second season !!
Sep 20, 2021 12:32 AM

Jun 2016
Bocchan and Alice are so sweet I had to make a dentist appointment to get some cavities filled tomorrow.
Overall I really enjoyed this series, despite my reservations toward non-studio Orange CG work. I found the style really quite charming, and it grew on me as the series progressed. Relative newcomer Ayumi Mano did a fantastic job voicing Alice, and I particularly enjoyed her singing in the ED. The other seiyuu were fantastic, but it was a pretty stacked cast so it wasn't really that surprising. I think think this was overall my surprise of the season.

I'm no Weeaboo
I'm Katsura
Sep 20, 2021 1:18 AM

Jan 2021
"Shall we head back to your house, Bocchan?"
"Yeah, let's back to our house."

This anime is so fun to watch and always manages to make me smile from the first episode to the last episode, but especially for this last episode itself, it's really good... especially when Bocchan expresses the sadness he has felt all this time to his mother and when Bocchan and Alice talk about their future while playing cards.. can't wait for the season 2!!

Sep 20, 2021 1:29 AM
Sep 2018
Ok ! I really want more of this!!! I love aLice !!! Can anyone tell me if there’s going to be another season? Cause it says it’s only the beginning at the end….
Sep 20, 2021 1:29 AM
May 2020
bocchan speaking up for what he loves... Alice. thoroughly loved the anime for its rather spontaneous episodes sprinkled with some interesting main stories. probably gonna hop on the manga ngl
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